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The actions of JARDIANCE® in the kidney1*

JARDIANCE® inhibits SGLT2 a transporter that is selectively expressed in the kidney

The action of JARDIANCE® in the kidney showing glucose moving through the nephron and the action of the SGLT2 inhibitor.


Improves blood glucose levels (fasting and post-prandial) in adults with T2DM by reducing filtered glucose reabsorption and the renal threshold for glucose

  • Blood glucose concentration and GFR impact how much glucose the kidneys remove 

  • Normal endogenous glucose production in response to hypoglycemia is not impaired by empagliflozin  

  • Empagliflozin acts independently of insulin secretion and insulin action

Reduces sodium reabsorption and increases sodium delivery to the distal tubule, which may:
  • Lower pre- and afterload of the heart 

  • Improve cardiac remodelling and diastolic function

  • Reduce left ventricular wall stress

  • Decrease intraglomerular pressure

  • Increase tubuloglomerular feedback

Increases urinary glucose excretion, which is associated with caloric loss and weight reduction 

  • Also associated with mild diuresis and transient natriuresis 

The CV benefits of JARDIANCE® are not solely dependent on the blood glucose-lowering effect and are not limited to patients with diabetes

MOA=mechanism of action; SGLT2=sodium-glucose co-transporter 2; T2DM=type 2 diabetes mellitus; GFR=glomerular filtration rate; CV=cardiovascular.

* Clinical significance unknown.