RESPIMAT is a soft mist inhaler

The RESPIMAT inhaler generates a propellant-free mist-like cloud of medicine. It is activated by a dose-release button designed to release one puff independent of inspiration.


Delivery system*

Image of the labelled product with arrows pointing to the different areas of the inhaler: mouthpiece, air vent, dose-release button, safety catch, clear base, piercing element, green cap.


RESPIMAT inhaler mode of action:

  • Converts an aqueous solution into a mist-like cloud of medicine
  • Activation by dose-release button is designed to release one puff independent of inspiration
  • The solution comes in a cartridge
  • Loading and priming are required for first-time use
  • * Clinical significance unknown 

Please refer to the Product Monograph for complete dosing and administration instructions


German engineering design

RESPIMAT is an inhaler device from the Boehringer Ingelheim respiratory product family, designed to generate a propellant-free mist-like cloud of medicine.

The device is activated by a dose-release button designed to release one puff of medication independent of inspiration.

RESPIMAT is the delivery system for both the SPIRIVA RESPIMAT and the INSPIOLTO RESPIMAT. The medication is stored as a solution in a collapsible bag inside a double-walled plastic container, which is itself contained within the drug cartridge. The cartridge contracts as the solution is withdrawn. The medication is drawn through the capillary tube into the uniblock, where the soft mist is produced.

The RESPIMAT inhaler works through the energy released from a tensioned spring. The clear base is turned 180 degrees until it clicks. The 180-degree turn compresses the spring. This transfers a pre-defined metered volume of the inhalation solution from the drug cartridge, through a capillary tube (via a non-return valve), to the pump cylinder. When the patient depresses the dose-release button, the energy of the spring forces the metered volume of drug solution into the uniblock.

This produces two fine jets of liquid at the outlet; these converge at a precisely set angle, generating a cloud of inhalable particles – the soft mist.

Breathe in the soft mist.

Please refer to the Product Monographs for complete dosing and administration instructions.

Patient survey

A RESPIMAT patient survey of 50 patients, using the RESPIMAT device for at least 3 months

94% of patients

found RESPIMAT easy or very easy to use on a daily basis

86% of patients

thought it was easy or very easy to perform the inhalation step of administration using the RESPIMAT inhaler

82% of patients

thought it was easy or very easy to load

84% of patients

felt very or completely confident in their ability to get their inhaler ready for their first dose (priming)

Online survey of 50 patients taking COMBIVENT RESPIMAT, SPIRIVA RESPIMAT, or INSPIOLTO RESPIMAT at least 3 months.

Questions: To what extent do you find it easy to inhale the medication when using the RESPIMAT inhaler (a soft mist inhaler)? To what extent do you find it easy to load the RESPIMAT inhaler (a soft mist inhaler)?
Answer selection: very difficult, difficult, neither difficult nor easy, easy or very easy.

Question: To what extent do you feel confident in your ability to get your RESPIMAT inhaler (a soft mist inhaler) ready for your first dose?
Answer selection: not at all confident, slightly confident, moderately confident, very confident, or extremely confident.

Question: To what extent do you find it easy to use the RESPIMAT inhaler (a soft mist inhaler)?
Answer selection: very difficult, difficult, neither difficult nor easy, easy or very easy.

Experience from clinical trials

SPIRIVA HandiHaler

in 36 clinical trials combined across both SPIRIVA HandiHaler and SPIRIVA RESPIMAT formats62,63*


in 36 clinical trials combined across both SPIRIVA HandiHaler and SPIRIVA RESPIMAT formats62,63*


in 27 clinical trials64,65*

  • * Exposure was calculated based on number of subjects randomized that received at least 1 dose of study drug. 


How to use

For daily use of the RESPIMAT inhaler, just think  TOP (Turn, Open, Press)

A soft mist can be inhaled when the RESPIMAT is actuated


Two inhalations, once daily.
At the same time of day. Every day.


Two inhalations, once daily. At the same time of day. Every day.


One inhalation, four times daily. At the same time of day. Every day.

Daily use


TURN the clear base in the direction of the arrow until a click is heard.


OPEN the cap, breathe out and close lips around the mouthpiece. Do not cover the air vents.


PRESS the dose-release button while taking a slow, deep breath and just continue to breathe in. Hold your breath for 10 seconds or as long as it feels comfortable.

Repeat the steps for the second inhalation

For complete administration instructions, and for instructions on how to prepare the RESPIMAT inhaler for first-time use, please refer to the Product Monograph for your respective RESPIMAT product.

Write "pre-load and prime" on the prescription for the pharmacist to assist the patient in preparing the device for first-time use.


Direct your patients to

Help them explore easy-to-use instructions with the RESPIMAT inhaler

Download the TOP Instruction Sheet

Put easy-to-use instructions in the palm of their hands

Consider INSPIOLTO RESPIMAT: tiotropium and olodaterol delivered with a RESPIMAT device

Member of Innovative Medicines Canada PAAB