Funding Opportunities for Clinical Research Grants

The mission of the Boehringer Ingelheim Clinical Research Grants Program for investigators and collaborative partners is to support the advancement of scientific knowledge regarding Boehringer Ingelheim´s products and their related therapeutic areas of interest.

The Clinical Research Grants Program is designed to enable research that has the potential to improve our understanding of safety and efficacy of our products studied. Support is awarded based on the scientific merit of each proposal received.

The program is offered to academic and clinical scientists. It allows investigators and collaborative partners to submit their proposals for consideration where they work independently - Investigator Initiated Studies (IIS) - or work collaboratively with Boehringer Ingelheim in External Collaborative Research (ECR) to execute their research.

  • Boehringer lngelheim does not assume regulatory responsibility for either type of clinical research

  • Investigators serve as Sponsor-Investigator for both IIS and ECR studies

  • May involve financial support and/or provision of Boehringer Ingelheim drugs or compounds

  • Funding level needs to represent e.g. actual costs of service and materials

  • Can include interventional or non-interventional study designs

Investigator Initiated Studies (IIS)

  • Grant funding to support interventional and non-interventional studies

  • Sponsor-Investigators independently propose and conduct their study

External Collaborative Research (ECR)

  • Grant funding to support interventional and non-interventional studies where Boehringer lngelheim contributes complementary to the expertise of the collaborative partner, who is the regulatory sponsor of the study. Contribution by Boehringer Ingelheim - as the supportive partner - can be providing intellectual input to the study design, protocol, statistical analysis plan, clinical study report and publication

  • The collaborative partner must assume all responsibility (including under applicable regulations) and retain ultimate control over the conduct of the ECR including acting as a regulatory sponsor

Clinical Research Grants
Boehringer Ingelheim-
sponsored Studies

Initiator of study proposal

Sponsor-Investigator must not be solicited by Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim (proactive ECR) or Collaborator (reactive ECR)

Boehringer Ingelheim

Regulatory responsibility / sponsor



Boehringer Ingelheim

Study Objectives


Collaborator has ultimate control driving the study objectives with intellectual input from Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim

Study design and protocol development


Collaborator has ultimate control driving the design with intellectual input from Boehringer Ingelheim, Boehringer Ingelheim review required

Boehringer Ingelheim

Study Conduct and Monitoring



Boehringer Ingelheim

Data analysis



Boehringer Ingelheim

Safety Database



Boehringer Ingelheim

Data ownership / sharing / intellectual property

As per IIS Agreement

As per ECR Agreement

Boehringer Ingelheim

Data reporting (incl. registration, disclosure)



Boehringer Ingelheim

Statistical Analysis Plan, Clinical Study Report, Publications


Jointly planned/executed; Boehringer Ingelheim review required

Boehringer Ingelheim