

One Dose, Once Daily. Always.*,3

No dose adjustment of DPP4i required

Type 2 diabetes can strike at any age. Some patients are diagnosed in adolescence and some later in life. Whether your patient is 50 years old and recently diagnosed, or 80 years old and living with type 2 diabetes for many years, they may need one or more drugs such as a DPP4i to manage their type 2 diabetes. And, when they do, you may want a DPP4i that does not need to be dose adjusted as your patient ages, experiences changes in weight, liver or kidney function. Trajenta® is the only globally-available DPP4i that does not need to be dose adjusted, ever.*,3 Trajenta® offers convenience through one dose, once daily, always 5mg.*,3

Lowest Kidney Excretion.3

Unlike most DPP4i, Trajenta® is primarily excreted via a non-kidney route.3-7 In fact, only about 5% of Trajenta® is excreted via kidneys. In contrast, for each of the other globally-available DPP4i, 75% or more of the drug is excreted via kidneys. As a result, dose adjustment is required for each of these other DPP4i in patients with kidney impairment and/or drug related kidney monitoring.4-7 For Trajenta®, there is no need for additional drug-related kidney function monitoring and no dose adjustment required in patients with kidney impairment.3 One Dose, always. Simple. Trajenta®.

Only 5% of Trajenta is excreted via kidney. One dose, always.Simple.

Proportions of medication excreted via the kidney3-7

Most Convenient Dosing Schedule.3-7

Trajenta® is the only approved DPP4i that does not require dose reduction based on kidney function.3-7 As kidney function declines for diabetes patients, it has to be monitored for patients taking each of the other DPP4i, but not Trajenta®. As patients enter moderate or severe kidney impairment, or end stage kidney disease, the dose of each other DPP4i has to be adjusted or in some cases discontinued. Not with Trajenta®. One dose, always. Simplicity.

Table of Trajenta dosing vs copetitors in case of Kidney impairment

Required DPP4i dose with declining kidney function, as defined by Indian PI

10 years of simplicity

10 Year Anniversary

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  • BID:
     twice daily; BMI: body mass index; CrCl: creatinine clearance; DPP4i: dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor; ESRD: end stage renal disease; GFR: glomerular filtration rate; KI: kidney impairment; QD: once daily; T2D: type 2 diabetes
  • *
    Indicated for use in adult patients. Trajenta® is contraindicated in those with hypersensitivity to any of the active substances or excipients, is not licensed for paediatric use and should not be used in pregnant women.
  • Pharmacokinetic studies suggest that no dose adjustment is required for patients with hepatic impairment but clinical experience in such patients is lacking.
  • Combination therapies studied with linagliptin were: Linagliptin as add-on to metformin therapy; Linagliptin as add-on to a combination of metformin and sulphonylurea therapy; Linagliptin as add-on to a combination of metformin and empagliflozin; Linagliptin as add-on to insulin therapy.
  • §
    No dose adjustment is necessary based on age.
  • 1.
    Cooper M, et al. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2020; 1–12.
  • 2.
    Kadowaki T, et al. Diabetol Int. 2020.
  • 3.
    Trajenta® PI Boehringer Ingelheim Pvt. Ltd. Ver 09 Apr 2020.
  • 4.
    Januvia® India PI Version 1 2019.
  • 5.
    Galvus® India BSS dated 12 Jan 2017 revised on 12 Nov 19 based on International BSS dated 28 Nov 2016.
  • 6.
    Ziten® India PI Version dated 3 Feb 2016.
  • 7.
    Onglyza® India PI Version 10, dated 1st June 2016.