Highlights on PF-ILDs from the ATS International Congress 2021 – Slide kit

Nuove analisi su PF-ILD presentate al Congresso Internazionale ATS, 14-19 Maggio 2021

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Nel seguente slide kit sono riportate le evidenze scientifiche più rilevanti su PF-ILD emerse dal Congresso Internazionale ATS 2021:

  • Effect of nintedanib on decline in FVC in patients with PF-ILDs by GAP stage (Ryerson CJ et al)

  • Effects of nintedanib in patients with PF-ILDs by composite physiologic index (CPI) (Nambiar AM et al)

  • Effect of nintedanib on decline in FVC in patients with PD-ILDs by time since diagnosis (Strek ME et al)

  • Effects of nintedanib in patients with PF-ILDs taking anti-acid therapy (Kreuter M et al)

  • Decline in FVC as a surrogate for mortality in patients with fibrosing interstitial lung diseases (Maher TM et al)

  • Lung function decline and hospitalization among patients with non-IPF fibrosing interstitial lung disease as observed in a large real-world electronic health record database (Singer D et al)

  • Incremental healthcare resource utilization and cost burden associated with non-IPF chronic PF-ILDs (Singer D et al)


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