SPEVIGO® has a favourable benefit-risk profile1,2

No AEs led to treatment discontinuation2

SPEVIGO® has a favourable benefit-risk profile1,2
SPEVIGO® has a favourable benefit-risk profile_2

Injection site reactions were typically mild-to-moderate in severity1

*All AEs occurring between the start of treatment and end of the residual effect period (16 weeks after the placebo dose or last dose of SPEVIGO). AEs were coded using the MedDRA v23.1. AE severity was graded according to the RCTC v2.0. Pustular psoriasis was excluded as an AE from this safety analysis.

Data set at Week 12 included patients randomised to SPEVIGO® who received up to 3 doses of SPEVIGO® and patients randomised to the placebo group who received OL SPEVIGO® at or after Day 8. All AEs in the residual effect period are included but censored at the day rescue treatment with SPEVIGO® was administered.2

Common AEs are reported in ≥10% of patients in any treatment group.2

MedDRA=Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities; OL=open-label; RCTC=Rheumatology Common Toxicity Criteria.


  1. SPEVIGO® Summary of Product Characteristics. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc; 2022.

  2. Bachelez H, Choon SE, Marrakchi S, et al; for the Effisayil 1 Trial Investigators. Trial of spesolimab for generalized pustular psoriasis. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(26):2431-2440. doi:10.1056/NEJMoa2111563