

Primary Prevention of VTE for Wrapper

Primary Prevention of VTE for:

Treatment of Deep vein Thrombosis / Pulmonary Embolism

History of cancer Wrapper

History of cancer

Do you have any current or past medical diagnoses of cancer?

Creatinine clearance (CrCl) wrapper

Creatinine clearance (CrCl)

CrCl is the volume of blood plasma cleared of creatinine per unit time. It is a rapid and cost-effective method for the measurement of renal function.

Age (years old) wrapper

Age (years old)

Concomitant Verapamil Wrapper

Concomitant Verapamil, Amiodarone or Quinidine



Pradaxa 150mg OD (2 capsules of 75mg OD) for total of 28-35 days

Treatment with PRADAXA should be initiated orally within 1 - 4 hours of completed surgery with a single capsule of 75 mg and continuing with 2 capsules of 75 mg once daily thereafter for a total of 28-35 days ( following hip replacement surgery). If haemostasis is not secured, initiation of treatment should be delayed. If treatment is not started on the day of surgery then treatment should be initiated with 2 capsules once daily.

This dosing calculator is served as a guide only. It is not a substitute for professional care. Dose adjustment should be decided at the discretion of the physician, following assessment of the potential benefit and risk to an individual patient. Boehringer Ingelheim does not recommend the use of its products in any manner other than as described in the prescribing information. Please refer to local prescribing information for further details.



Pradaxa 220mg OD (2 capsules of 110mg OD) for total of 28-35 days

Treatment with PRADAXA should be initiated orally within 1 - 4 hours of completed surgery with a single capsule of 110mg and continuing with 2 capsules of 110 mg once daily thereafter for a total of 28-35 days ( following hip replacement surgery). If haemostasis is not secured, initiation of treatment should be delayed. If treatment is not started on the day of surgery then treatment should be initiated with 2 capsules once daily.

This dosing calculator is served as a guide only. It is not a substitute for professional care. Dose adjustment should be decided at the discretion of the physician, following assessment of the potential benefit and risk to an individual patient. Boehringer Ingelheim does not recommend the use of its products in any manner other than as described in the prescribing information. Please refer to local prescribing information for further details.



Pradaxa 150mg OD (2 capsules of 75mg OD) for total of 10days

Treatment with PRADAXA should be initiated orally within 1 - 4 hours of completed surgery with a single capsule of 75 mg and continuing with 2 capsules of 75 mg once daily thereafter for a total of 10 days ( following knee replacement surgery). If haemostasis is not secured, initiation of treatment should be delayed. If treatment is not started on the day of surgery then treatment should be initiated with 2 capsules once daily.

This dosing calculator is served as a guide only. It is not a substitute for professional care. Dose adjustment should be decided at the discretion of the physician, following assessment of the potential benefit and risk to an individual patient. Boehringer Ingelheim does not recommend the use of its products in any manner other than as described in the prescribing information. Please refer to local prescribing information for further details.



Pradaxa 220mg OD (2 capsules of 110mg OD) for total of 10days

Treatment with PRADAXA should be initiated orally within 1 - 4 hours of completed surgery with a single capsule of 110mg and continuing with 2 capsules of 110 mg once daily thereafter for a total of 10 days ( following knee replacement surgery). If haemostasis is not secured, initiation of treatment should be delayed. If treatment is not started on the day of surgery then treatment should be initiated with 2 capsules once daily.

This dosing calculator is served as a guide only. It is not a substitute for professional care. Dose adjustment should be decided at the discretion of the physician, following assessment of the potential benefit and risk to an individual patient. Boehringer Ingelheim does not recommend the use of its products in any manner other than as described in the prescribing information. Please refer to local prescribing information for further details.