
Registries are an important method of analysing research questions that cannot be ethically or feasibly answered with randomised controlled studies. This section provides summaries of the most important findings from registries of unstable angina and acute myocardial infarction.

The registries described here were conducted at a range of different scales, from small registries of individual metropolitan areas (Vienna STEMISão Paulo STEMI Networkand the Minneapolis registry) to larger registries with national (NRMI and FAST-MI) or international (GRACE) scope. All have been instrumental in transforming the care of patients with cardiovascular disease.

Please be advised that we have made extensive efforts to provide the most accurate information. Notwithstanding this, we do not assume responsibility for any injury or damages to persons or property. Due to the constant advances in medical science, we strongly suggest you always consult the most current prescribing information for therapy, especially bearing in mind that these summaries are supposed to supply you with the latest news in practice and research, but may describe use of a drug not backed by current regulatory approval.