
Various websites (listed below) provide access to educational materials, information, details of forthcoming events and original articles relevant to the field of cardiovascular care.

Activate Your Heart

Activate Your Heart is one of the first interactive websites for heart patients and their relatives and friends in the UK. The aim is to provide a better health service for the people of Leicester and the surrounding counties using modern technology. This site will offer heart and health related information which will be available at your fingertips.

Activate Your Heart website

CDC - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is one of the 13 major operating components of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), which is the principal agency in the United States government for protecting the health and safety of all Americans and for providing essential human services, especially for those people who are least able to help themselves.

CDC website

WHO - World Health Organization

The World Health Organization is the United Nations specialised agency for health.

WHO website