Type 2 diabetes mellitus

JARDIANCE® is an inhibitor of sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2), the predominant transporter responsible for reabsorption of glucose from the glomerular filtrate back into the circulation. JARDIANCE® is an inhibitor of SGLT2. By inhibiting SGLT2, JARDIANCE® reduces renal reabsorption of filtered glucose and lowers the renal threshold for glucose, and thereby increases urinary glucose excretion.1


Heart failure

JARDIANCE® also reduces sodium reabsorption and increases the delivery of sodium to the distal tubule. This may influence several physiological functions including, but not restricted to, increasing tubuloglomerular feedback and reducing intraglomerular pressure, lowering both pre- and afterload of the heart, and downregulating sympathetic activity.1


  • SGLT2, sodium-glucose co-transporter 2.


  1. JARDIANCE® approved package insert. Updated in October 2020 and approved in August 2021.

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