For Asthma

The delivered dose is 2.5 µg tiotropium per puff (2 puffs per dose). SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® is approved for patients with asthma1

In the treatment of asthma, the complete therapeutic benefits may show after a few doses of SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT®.1

The recommended dosage of SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® is inhalation of the spray of two puffs once daily from the RESPIMAT® inhaler, at the same time of day

In clinical trials, the improvement in lung function compared to placebo was maintained for 24 hours.1

Why wait to add SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® when you can improve your patient’s breathing year-round?1

Using SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® as add-on maintenance therapy for asthma

SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® can be used as add-on maintenance therapy in asthma patients. In clinical trials, SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® was evaluated against a background of ICS or ICS/LABA treatment.

SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® is a maintenance bronchodilator used once each day and should not be used for immediate relief of breathing problems. In the event of an attack, a rapid-acting beta2-agonist should be used.1


Instructions for Use

The recommended dose is two puffs from the SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® inhaler at the same time of the day.1

1. Remove clear base

  • Keep the cap closed.
  • Press the safety catch while pulling off the clear base with the other hand.

2. Insert cartridge

  • Insert the narrow end of the cartridge into the inhaler.
  • Place the inhaler on a firm surface and push down firmly until it snaps into place.

Remove clear base

Insert cartridge

3. Replace clear base

  • Put the clear base back into place until it clicks.

4. Turn

  • Keep the cap closed.
  • Turn the clear base in the direction of the arrows on the label until it clicks (half a turn).

Replace clear base


5. Open

  • Open the cap until it snaps fully open.

6. Press

  • Point the inhaler towards the ground.
  • Press the dose-release button.
  • Close the cap.
  • Repeat steps 4-6 until a cloud is visible.
  • After a cloud is visible, repeat steps 4-6 three more times.

Your SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® inhaler is now ready to use.




  • Keep the cap closed.
  • TURN the clear base in the direction of the arrows on the label until it clicks (half a turn)


  • OPEN the cap until it snaps fully




  • Breathe out slowly and fully.
  • Close the lips around the mouthpiece without covering the air vents.
  • While taking a slow, deep breath through the mouth, PRESS the dose-release button and continue to breathe in.
  • Hold the breath for 10 seconds or for as long as comfortable.
  • Repeat TURN, OPEN, PRESS for a total of 2 puffs.



  • ICS, inhaled corticosteroid; LABA, long-acting beta2-agonist.


  1. SPIRIVA® RESPIMAT® Summary of Product Characteristics.

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