JARDIANCE® (empagliflozin) Heart Failure banner

JARDIANCE® (Empagliflozin)

The content on this website is in relation to adult patients


Heart failure

JARDIANCE® is indicated in adults for the treatment of symptomatic chronic heart failure.1

Type 2 diabetes

JARDIANCE® is indicated for the treatment of adults with insufficiently controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus as an adjunct to diet and exercise

  • as monotherapy when metformin is considered inappropriate due to intolerance
  • in addition to other medicinal products for the treatment of diabetes 1

According to the 5.1 section of the SmPC, both improvement of glycaemic control and reduction of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality are an integral part of the treatment of type 2 diabetes.1

Chronic kidney disease

JARDIANCE® is indicated in adults for the treatment of chronic kidney disease.1

1st clinically proven and licensed therapy across the LVEF spectrum1

Jardiance demonstrated superiority vs placebo for the CV Death/HHF composite in both HFrEF and HFpEF2,3


What's New

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NICE Guidance update

NICE Guidance

Evidence-based recommendations on empagliflozin for treating chronic heart failure with preserved or mildly reduced ejection fraction in adults.5
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ESC heart failure guideline

European Society of Cardiology (ESC) recommendations for pharmacological treatment of heart failure.
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Simple dosing for your patients with symptomatic chronic heart failure1

JARDIANCE® (empagliflozin) is simple to initiate at 10 mg dosing across all indications.1
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JARDIANCE® reduces the risk of CV death

Jardiance demonstrated efficacy in the older patients that you often see and treat in clinical practice4

In the treatment of HF patients with LVEF >40%
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JARDIANCE® safety profile

Safety Profile

Adverse reactions from reported placebo-controlled studies and post-marketing experience with JARDIANCE®.
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Empagliflozin and HFrEF

Empagliflozin and HFrEF

Review the data from the EMPEROR-REDUCED trial to see the role of empagliflozin in treating adults with symptomatic chronic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).

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Helpful resources supporting you every step of the way when you are treating your patients with JARDIANCE

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Patient initiation guide

JARDIANCE Initiation & Management guide for T2D, CHF and CKD

Key considerations when initiating or managing your patient with symptomatic chronic heart failure on JARDIANCE.

If you have any questions or would like to speak to a Boehringer Ingelheim representative, please contact us


CI: confidence interval; CV: cardiovascular; CKD: chronic kidney failure; eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate; HFpEF: heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; HFrEF: heart failure with reduced ejection fraction; HHF: hospitalisation for heart failure; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction; NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence.


  1. JARDIANCE® (empagliflozin) Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC). Available at: http://www.medicines.org.uk/emc/medicine/28973.
  2. Packer M et al. N Engl J Med. 2020;383(15):1413–1424.
  3. Anker SD et al. N Engl J Med. 2021;385(16)1:1451–1461.
  4. Böhm M et al. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2022;80(1):1–18.
  5. National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) 2023. Empagliflozin for treating chronic heart failure with preserved or mildly reduced ejection fraction. Technology Appraisal Guidance TA929. Available from: https://www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ta929.

PC-GB-108857 V2

March 2024

Reporting adverse events

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting form and information can be found at www.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. Adverse events should also be reported to Boehringer Ingelheim Drug Safety on 0800 328 1627 (freephone).

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