SPIRIVA Respimat (tiotropium) product box

SPIRIVA® Respimat®

Tiotropium (for COPD)

Product Overview

SPIRIVA® Respimat® (tiotropium) is indicated as a maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms of adult patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).1

SPIRIVA Respimat (tiotropium) product box

Mechanism of Action

SPIRIVA® Respimat® is an inhalation solution containing tiotropium, a long-acting muscarinic receptor antagonist (LAMA), which is delivered via the Respimat® inhaler device.1 Tiotropium bromide is a long-acting, specific antagonist at muscarinic receptors.1

In the airways, tiotropium bromide competitively and reversibly binds to the M3 receptors in the bronchial smooth muscle, antagonising the cholinergic (bronchoconstrictive) effects of acetylcholine, resulting in bronchial smooth muscle relaxation.1

When initiating treatment with long-acting bronchodilators, LAMA/LABA is the preferred first-line option for symptomatic patients with COPD.2
A single inhaler may be more convenient for COPD patients. Why not consider switching your eligible patients from SPIRIVA® Respimat® to SPIOLTO® Respimat® (tiotropium & olodaterol)*?


SPIOLTO® RESPIMAT® is indicated as a maintenance bronchodilator treatment to relieve symptoms in adult patients with COPD.3

Product Key Facts


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Severe asthma

Active ingredient


Legal category

Prescription only medicine


2.5 micrograms per puff
The recommended dose is 5 microgram tiotropium given as two puffs from the SPIRIVA® Respimat® inhaler once-daily, at the same time of day1
Two puffs from the Respimat® inhaler comprise one medicinal dose1

Administration form


Dosage form

Inhalation solution

Pack sizes

Single pack: 1 Respimat® reusable inhaler and 1 cartridge, providing 60 puffs (30 medicinal doses)
Single refill pack: 1 cartridge, providing 60 puffs (30 medicinal doses)


LABA, long-acting β2-agonist; LAMA, long-acting muscarinic antagonist.



SPIRIVA® Respimat® Summary of Product Characteristics.


Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, Global Strategy for the Diagnosis, Management and Prevention of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; updated 2023. Available at: https://goldcopd.org/.


SPIOLTO® RESPIMAT® Summary of Product Characteristics.

PC-GB-102134 V2

August 2023

Reporting adverse events

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting form and information can be found atwww.mhra.gov.uk/yellowcard. Adverse events should also be reported to Boehringer Ingelheim Drug Safety on0800 328 1627 (freephone).

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