


Dose & Administration

The simplicity of one dose, once daily to help lower HbA1c in your adult T2D patients1

TRAJENTA® can be used in a broad range of adult patients with a single recommended dose of 5mg, once daily, independent of:

TRAJENTA® (linagliptin) dose and administration

Quick links

TRAJENTA® can be taken with or without a meal at any time of the day

If a dose is missed, it should be taken as soon as the patient remembers. A double dose should not be taken on the same day.1

TRAJENTA® (linagliptin) 5mg dose
  • *Pharmacokinetic studies suggest that no dose adjustment is required for patients with hepatic impairment but clinical experience in such patients is lacking (TRAJENTA® SmPC).
  • Sulphonylureas and insulin are known to cause hypoglycaemia. Therefore, caution is advised when linagliptin is used in combination with a sulphonylurea and/or insulin. A dose reduction of the sulphonylurea or insulin may be considered (TRAJENTA® SmPC).

Dosing with hepatic impairment: Studies suggest that no dose adjustment is required for patients with hepatic impairment but clinical experience in such patients is lacking.1

Dosing in the elderly: No dose adjustment is necessary based on age.1

Dosing with metformin: When TRAJENTA® is added to metformin, the dose of metformin should be maintained, and linagliptin administered concomitantly.1

Dosing with a sulphonylurea or with insulin: When TRAJENTA® is used in combination with a sulphonylurea or with insulin, a lower dose of sulphonylurea or insulin may be considered to reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia.1

Dosing with renal impairment: It is important to ensure that patients are treated according to the licensed indications of a drug, including dose recommendations and monitored in line with clinical guidance including the NICE guidelines on the management of type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (NG28 and NG203).1,3-8

For individual guidance on DPP-4 inhibitor dosing in renal impairment please refer to the individual product SmPC.

Dosing adjustment based on renal function as defined by SmPC
 Normal functionMild impairmentModerate impairmentSevere impairment/ESRD
5 mg OD
sitagliptin3‡100 mg OD100 mg OD
GFR ≥60 to <90 ml/min
100 mg OD GFR ≥ 45 to
<60 ml/min
50 mg OD
GFR ≥30
to <45 ml/min
25 mg OD
GFR ≥15 to <30 ml/min;
ESRD (GFR <15 ml/min) including on haemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis
vildagliptin4‡50 mg BD‡‡
50 mg OD with an SU
50 mg BD‡‡
50 mg OD with an SU CrCl 50 to <80 ml/min
50 mg OD
CrCl 30 to <50 ml/min
50 mg OD
CrCl <30 ml/min ESRD on haemodialysis: use with caution
saxagliptin5‡5 mg OD5 mg OD
GFR ≥60 to <90 ml/min
5 mg OD
GFR ≥45
to <60 ml/min
2.5 mg OD**
GFR ≥30 to
<45 ml/min
2.5 mg OD**
GFR <30 ml/min
ESRD on haemodialysis: not recommended
alogliptin6‡**††25 mg OD25 mg OD
CrCl >50 to
≤80 ml/min
12.5 mg OD
CrCl ≥30 to
≤50 ml/min
6.25 mg OD
CrCl <30 ml/min Limited experience in renal dialysis. Not studied in peritoneal dialysis.

Adapted from: 1. TRAJENTA® SmPC 3. Sitagliptin SmPC 4. Vildagliptin SmPC 5. Saxagliptin SmPC 6. Alogliptin SmPC.

GFR: Glomerular filtration rate CrCl: Creatinine Clearance (based on Cockcroft-Gault formula) OD: Once daily BD: Twice daily SU: Sulphonylurea ESRD: End-stage renal disease.

  • Summary of Product Characteristics for sitagliptin, alogliptin, vildagliptin and saxagliptin are available at: (GB) and (NI).
  • **Assessment of renal function is recommended prior to initiation and periodically thereafter.
  • ††Not indicated as monotherapy.
  • ‡‡50mg in the morning and 50mg in the evening.
  1. TRAJENTA® (linagliptin) Summary of Product Characteristics. SmPCs available at EMC: (GB) and (NI).
  2. Lajara R, et al. Clin Ther. 2014;36(11):1595-605.
  3. Sitagliptin Summary of Product Characteristics. SmPCs available at EMC: (GB) and (NI).
  4. Vildagliptin Summary of Product Characteristics. SmPC available at EMC: (GB).
  5. Saxagliptin Summary of Product Characteristics. SmPCs available at EMC: (GB) and (NI).
  6. Alogliptin Summary of Product Characteristics. SmPCs available at EMC: (GB) and (NI).
  7. NICE guidance NG203 November 2021. Available at: (last accessed March 2022).
  8. NICE guidance NG28 February 2022. Available at: (last accessed March 2022).

PC-GB-105778 V2

August 2022

Reporting adverse events

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting form and information can be found Adverse events should also be reported to Boehringer Ingelheim Drug Safety on0800 328 1627 (freephone).

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