How would you treat a severe asthma patient?

SPIRIVA® Respimat® (tiotropium) is indicated as add-on maintenance bronchodilator treatment in patients aged 6 years and older with severe asthma who experienced one or more severe asthma exacerbations in the preceding year. In adult patients with severe asthma, tiotropium should be used in addition to inhaled corticosteroids (≥ 800μg budesonide/day or equivalent) and at least one controller.1

SPIRIVA Respimat (tiotropium) product box

Why SPIRIVA® Respimat® (tiotropium)?

  • Efficacy
  • Safety Information


Two replicate randomised controlled trials compared SPIRIVA® Respimat® with placebo Respimat® over 48 weeks in 912 adult patients with severe asthma who were symptomatic on ICS (≥800 μg budesonide/day or equivalent) plus LABA, had a post-bronchodilator FEV1 of ≤80% of the predicted value and a history of ≥1 severe exacerbation in the previous year. The co-primary endpoints were lung function measured as peak FEV1(0-3h) and trough FEV1 response at week 24, and time to first severe exacerbation (pooled data) over 48 weeks.2

In adult patients with severe asthma, SPIRIVA® Respimat® has (against placebo Respimat®) demonstrated:

Icon of a pair of lungs and an upwards arrow

Significantly improved lung function

Up to 154mL improvement in peak FEV1 (0-3h) vs placebo Respimat® (95% CI 91-217; p<0.001).2,3*

Up to 111mL improvement in trough FEV1 vs placebo Respimat® (95% CI 53-169; p<0.001).2,3*

The improvement in lung function was maintained for 24 hours.1

*At 24 weeks, mean difference in improvement in peak FEV1 between Spiriva® Respimat® and placebo Respimat® was 86ml in Trial 1 (p=0.01) and 154ml in Trial 2 (p<0.001); mean difference in improvement in trough FEV1 was 88ml (p=0.01) and 111ml (p<0.01), respectively.2

Icon showing a warning triangle and downwards arrow

Significantly reduced severe exacerbation risk

Increased time to first severe asthma exacerbation requiring corticosteroids vs placebo Respimat® by 56 days. (282 days vs. 226 days).2

Reduced severe asthma exacerbation risk by 21% compared to placebo Respimat® (HR 0.79 [95% CI 0.62–1.00]; p=0.03).2

Severe asthma exacerbation defined as deterioration of asthma necessitating initiation or at least doubling of systemic glucocorticoids for ≥3 days.2

Icon of a bar chart showing bar height decreasing in size over time

Significantly reduced asthma worsening

Increased the median time to first worsening of asthma by 134 days vs placebo Respimat® (315 days, vs. 181 days).2

31% reduction in risk of asthma worsening vs placebo Respimat® (HR 0.69 [95% CI 0.58–0.82]; p<0.001).2

Asthma worsening defined as either progressive increase in symptoms or ≥30% decline in the best morning PEF from the mean screening morning

PEF for 2 or more consecutive days.2

Icon of a human inhaling and exhaling and an upwards arrow

Significantly improved asthma symptom control

Patients were 68% more likely to have improved asthma symptom control vs placebo Respimat® (as measured by pooled analysis of ACQ-7 responder rate at week 48 in post hoc analysis)

(absolute difference 12.9%; OR 1.68 [95% Cl 1.28–2.21]; p<0.001).4,5§

§A response was defined as a change in ACQ-7 score from study baseline of ≥0.5.

Trial data information

Two replicate randomised controlled trials (PrimoTinA-Asthma 1 and PrimoTinA-Asthma 2) compared SPIRIVA® Respimat® with placebo Respimat® over 48 weeks as add-on controller therapy on top of usual care in adult patients with severe asthma who were symptomatic on maintenance treatment of at least ICS (≥800 μg budesonide/day or equivalent) plus LABA, had a post-bronchodilator FEV1 of ≤80% of the predicted value and a history of ≥1 severe exacerbation in the previous year. In both the SPIRIVA® Respimat® and placebo Respimat® groups, ICS and LABA maintenance therapy was continued. Other asthma medications were allowed if the doses remained stable for ≥4 weeks before study entry and for the duration of the trial. The primary endpoints were lung function measured as peak FEV1(0-3h) and trough FEV1 response at week 24, and time to first severe exacerbation (pooled data) over 48 weeks.2

  • ACQ-7, seven-question Asthma Control Questionnaire; CI, confidence interval; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in 1 second; HR, hazard ratio; ICS, inhaled corticosteroids; LABA, long-acting β2-agonist; OR, odds ratio; PEF, peak expiratory flow.
  1. SPIRIVA® Respimat® (tiotropium) 2.5 μg Summary of Product Characteristics.
  2. Kerstjens HA et al. N Engl J Med 2012;367:1198–207.
  3. Kerstjens HA et al. N Engl J Med 2012;367:1198–207, supplementary appendix.
  4. Kerstjens HA et al. Respir Med 2016;117:198–206.
  5. Murphy K et al. Annals of Allery Asthma and Immunology Abstract P294. 2014;113:Suppl 1.

Safety Information

Summary of the safety profile

Many of the listed undesirable effects can be assigned to the anticholinergic properties of tiotropium bromide.1

In asthma the incidence of dry mouth was 0.83%. No discontinuations due to dry mouth were reported.1

Serious undesirable effects consistent with anticholinergic effects include glaucoma, constipation, intestinal obstruction including ileus paralytic and urinary retention.1

An increase in anticholinergic effects may occur with increasing age.1

Tabulated summary of adverse reactions

The frequencies assigned to the undesirable effects listed below are based on crude incidence rates of adverse drug reactions (i.e. events attributed to tiotropium) observed in the tiotropium group pooled from 12 placebo controlled clinical trials in adult and paediatric patients with asthma (1,930 patients) with treatment periods ranging from four weeks to one year.1

Frequency is defined using the following convention:

Very common (≥1/10); common (≥1/100 to <1/10); uncommon (≥1/1,000 to <1/100); rare (≥1/10,000 to <1/1,000); very rare (<1/10,000), not known (cannot be estimated from the available data).1

System Organ Class / MedDRA Preferred TermFrequency
Metabolism and nutrition disorders 
DehydrationNot known
Nervous system disorders 
Eye disorders 
GlaucomaNot known
Intraocular pressure increasedNot known
Vision blurredNot known
Cardiac disorders 
Atrial fibrillationNot known
Supraventricular tachycardiaNot known
TachycardiaNot known
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders 
LaryngitisNot known
SinusitisNot known
Gastrointestinal disorders 
Dry MouthUncommon
Oropharyngeal candidiasisUncommon
DysphagiaNot known
Gastroesophageal reflux diseaseNot known
Dental cariesNot known
GlossitisNot known
Intestinal obstruction, including ileus paralyticNot known
NauseaNot known
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders, immune system disorders 
Angioneurotic oedemaRare
Skin infection/skin ulcerNot known
Dry skinNot known
Hypersensitivity (including immediate reactions)Rare
Anaphylactic reactionNot known
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders 
Joint swellingNot known
Renal and urinary disorders 
Urinary retentionNot known
DysuriaNot known
Urinary tract infectionRare

MedDRA, Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Activities.



SPIRIVA® Respimat® (tiotropium) 2.5 μg Summary of Product Characteristics.

PC-GB-107376 V1

April 2023

Reporting adverse events

Adverse events should be reported. Reporting form and information can be found at Adverse events should also be reported to Boehringer Ingelheim Drug Safety on 0800 328 1627 (freephone).

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