• Desquamative interstitial pneumonia (DIP) is an idiopathic interstitial pneumonia (IIP) common in smokers and characterized by the accumulation of pigmented macrophages1,2
  • Prognosis is generally good with overall survival of at least 70% after 10 years3,4
    • Follow-up HRCTs of patients receiving treatment typically show partial or complete resolution of areas of ground glass opacification3
    • Infrequently, progression to a reticular pattern on HRCT is observed3,4


  • Primarily affects smokers in their 50s and 60s3
  • More common in men than women3
  • In rare cases, DIP may occur in nonsmokers who have had exposure to environmental inhalation exposures3,1,5
    • Inorganic particles
    • Dust
    • Nylon filaments

DIP makes up approximately 5% of IIPs.6

See also

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