Male Headshot


History of diabetes, recently developed a cough.

Ex-smoker, 25 pack-years.


Physical Exam & Review
of Symptoms

Case review

Case Review

  • Male, 72 years of age.
  • History of diabetes recently developed a cough.
  • Ex-smoker, 25 pack-years.
  • Completed comprehensive medical exam, family, social, and medical history
Key findings

Key Findings

  • Has restrictive pattern on PFTs
  • Positive Cladosporium
  • HRCT features: ground-glass; traction bronchiectasis
  • Histopathology: poorly formed granulomas; bronchiolocentric with UIP
Case study courtesy of and used with permission from Marilyn Glassberg, MD.

Patient history

Past Medical/Surgical History

Past Medical/Surgical History

  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension
  • Erectile dysfunction
Past Social and Family History

Past Social and Family History

  • No Family History noted
  • Married
  • 25-pack-year smoker, quit 2 years ago
  • Social ETOH, No Drug use
  • Works at a sugar mill
Medications Prescribed Prior to Initial Visit

Medications Prescribed Prior to Initial Visit

  • Oral antihyperglycemic medication
  • Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor
  • Fish oil
  • Vitamin D
  • Erectile dysfunction medication (Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor)
Case study courtesy of and used with permission from Marilyn Glassberg, MD.


Your radiologist tells you the CT scan has the following features:

Radiologist features
Images courtesy of and used with permission from Steven Nathan. MD.

Physical Exam & Review
of Symptoms

Physical exam

Physical Exam

  • BP: 140/88 mmHg, HR: 76, RR: 20
  • Temperature: 98.6
  • Weight: 189 lbs
  • Height: 5’10”
  • SpO2: 95%
  • Well appearing
  • Lungs: scattered end-inspiratory crackles
  • Physical exam unremarkable


  • FVC 2.00 (44%)
  • FEV1 1.78 (58%)
  • FEV1/FVC Ratio 125%
  • TLC 3.41 (50%)
  • VC 2.42 (46%)
  • RV 1.27 (49%)
  • DLCO 11.40 (50%)
Case study courtesy of and used with permission from Marilyn Glassberg, MD.


Images courtesy of and used with permission from Vijayalakshmi Ananthanarayanan, MD.

VATS Pathology

  • Poorly formed granulomas/ bronchiolocentric with UIP based on Inflammatory cellular infiltrates with widened interstitial space.

Additional note from the pathologist:

NOTE: Loose, ill-formed, interstitial and peribronchiolar granulomas with background of inflammation.

Serology Testing



  • Specific immunoglobulin panel
    • positive
  • Cyclic citrullinated peptide (CCP) - negative
  • Rheumatoid factor (RF) - normal
  • Sjögren's syndrome-A (anti-Ro; SS-A) - negative
  • Sjögren's syndrome-B (anti-La; SS-B) - negative
  • Anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) - negative
  • Scleroderma-70 (SCL-70; Topoisomerase I) - negative

Additional Information about pos immunoglobulin panel:

  • Positive Cladosporium: 5 times normal

Case study courtesy of and used with permission from Marilyn Glassberg, MD.


Which is the correct

  • Sarcoidosis


  • Rheumatoid Arthritis

    Rheumatoid Arthritis

  • Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

    Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

  • IPF




Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis

This is correct!


Incorrect X Clipart

Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis

While the smoking history and age are consistent with an lPF diagnosis, the upper lung process in HRCT is inconsistent with UIP/IPF.


Incorrect X Clipart

Rheumatoid Arthritis

The patient had negative CCP and RF antibodies, both of which are associated with rheumatoid arthritis. Further, the patient had no joint involvement or other signs and symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


Incorrect X Clipart


While the HRCT indicates upper-lung process, the fibrotic pattern is not typical of sarcoidosis, in which nodules and/or conglomerate masses are evident. Furthermore, there are no nodular lesions in SLB.

Find out the answer


Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis