What Good Looks Like: Recognition & Nonpharmacological Management of ILDs


Part 1: Overview of ILDs

Part 2: Tools and Best Practices to Diagnose Various ILDs

Part 3: Importance of the Multidisciplinary Team for Managing Patients with ILDs


  • Amy Olson MD, MSPH

    Amy Olson (Moderator), MD, MSPH

  • Mark Hamblin, MD

    Mark Hamblin, MD

    University of Kansas Medical Center

  • Cedric Jamie Rutland

    Cedric Jamie Rutland, MD

    Rutland Medical Group (West Coast Lung)

  • Chase Hall, MD

    Chase Hall, MD

    University of Kansas Medical Center

See also

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Interstitial lung disease in systemic sclerosis with a focus on chest CT

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