Here we see the influence of reconstruction algorithms. It is recommended to use the high-frequency lung reconstruction algorithm when evaluating a patient suspected of having interstitial lung disease. The sharpness of the reconstruction kernel increases in these images from left to right. While increased image sharpness with the lung algorithm allows for visualization of the finer details of the lung, one should use caution when interpreting the CT scan as it also increases background noise and image artifacts.

Again, these images were reconstructed from a raw dataset using 1 mm reconstruction on each, but with different reconstruction kernels as noted. Clear parenchymal abnormalities are visible with each of the reconstruction kernels, but we appreciate better definition of the abnormalities with the lung reconstruction algorithm. Note that honeycomb cysts are visible with all the reconstruction algorithms, but the cysts stand out quite clearly when using the lung kernel to the far right. Spatial interfaces are enhanced by the sharp lung algorithm, showing reticulation in slightly more detail, whereas on the soft-tissue filter, the abnormalities appear to be focal, confluent ground glass rather than a reticular, interstitial pattern.

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Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (an Update) and Progressive Pulmonary Fibrosis in Adults: An Official ATS/ERS/JRS/ALAT Clinical Practice Guideline