52-year-old male patient with suspected ILD 52-year-old

Presents with 1-month history of dyspnea. Referred from PCP who ordered chest X-ray. X-ray came back abnormal.

Past medical/surgical history:

  • GERD
  • Hypertension
  • Sinusitis
  • Knee surgery
  • Tonsillectomy

Past social and family history:

  • No family history noted
  • Married
  • Never smoker
  • Social ETOH, no drug use
  • Owns a roofing contracting company

Medications prescribed prior to initial visit:

  • Insomnia medication
  • Beta blocker
  • Fluoroquinolone antibiotic
  • Corticosteroid nasal spray

Case study courtesy of and used with permission from Marilyn Glassberg, MD.